Romans is a foundational book when it comes to understanding our relationship as believers with Jesus Christ. This book establishes the believer (Romans 1:11; 16:25). If you can grasp the concepts contained within this book, you will be better able to understand the rest of Paul’s writings. This is perhaps why God put this epistle first even though Paul had written five books previous to Romans.
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07/24/2022 "A Man's Mission"
07/31/2022 "A Man's Obsessio
08/07/2022 "A Man Not Ashamed"
08/14/2022 "God's Revelations"
08/21/2022 "When God Gives Up"
08/28/2022 "The Kindness of God"
09/11/2022 "But I'm Circumcised"
09/18/2022 "Great is Thy Faithfulness"
09/25/2022 "All in a Sinking Ship"
10/02/2022 "But Now ...."
10/9/2022 "I Can Never Boast"
10/16/2022 "Don't Take My Word For It"
10/23/2022 "When Did It Happen"
11/06/2022 "The Promise"
11/13/2022 "Hope Built On Nothing Less"
11/20/2022 and in this corner
11/27/2022 "Free At Last"
12/04/2022 "Not Under Law, but Grace"
12/11/2022 "Under New Management"
12/18/2022 "Now I Belong to Jesus"
1/8/2023 "The War Within"
1/15/2023 "A New Position"
1/22/2023 "how's Your Thinking"
1/29/2023 "Spirit of Adoption"
2/5/2023 "Sprit of Hope & Help"
2/12/2023 "Sanctifiied and Secure"
2/19/2023 "Believer's Confidence"
2/26/2023 "Israel's Contempt"
3/5/2023 "God's Gracious Election"
03/12/2023 "God's Election Defended"
03/19/2023 "God's Word Fullfilled"
03/26/2023 "Man's Responsibility"
4/2/2023 "Praying for Israel"
4/16/2023 "God's Righteousness"
4/23/2023 "God's Great Salvation"
5/7/2023 "No Excuse"
5/14/2023 "What Happens to Israel?"
05/28/2023 "Hope for Israel"
6/4/2023 "A Word for Gentiles"
6/11/2023 "A Mystery Revealed"
6/18/2023 "Paul's Hymn"
6/25/23 "Spirit-Filled Believer"
7/2/2023 " The Spirit-filled Believer and the Chuch"
7/9/2023 "Spirit-filled Believers"
7/16/2023 "Spirit-filled Believers & the Lost"
7/30/2023 "Spirit-Filled Believers & the State"
8/13/2023 " Spirit-Filled Believers & Time"